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The Onto The Next Institute, Inc. is a 501(C)3 non-profit charity dedicated to promoting holistic wellness in aging through educational awareness to minimize the risks of dementia and Alzheimer's. Programs serve those with dementia, Alzheimer's, other neurological challenges, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. The goal of O2N is to improve the lives of seniors by providing valuable tools for creative aging.

Nearly 50 years of research and development have produced a unique, multi-faceted program designed to minimize the risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s. The Onto The Next Institute, Inc. was founded by Linda Stoler, a speech-language pathologist and transformational educator, and her husband Will Stoler, a designer and architect. After five decades of working with children and educators, Linda Stoler evolved this highly effective methodology for seniors. The experienced Onto the Next team delivers cutting-edge tools that have been crafted from Linda's vast experience as well as the latest neuroscience research affirming that the adult brain holds its plasticity (neuroplasticity) as it ages. O2N’s valuable tools incorporate music, movement, manual motion (sign language), mindful meditation and visualization to create new wiring in the brain.

Rewire FloLindaS

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Onto The Next's comprehensive programs are now available to facilities, senior organizations and community groups. Please browse through our website to learn how to bring Onto The Next to you and how it can make a difference.

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